Direction Marketing & Communications Website

Client : Direction Marketing and Communications Ltd.

Another custom responsive WordPress theme, built with Grunt, Jade(Pug) and Sass using the Bootstrap library.

This project features a large responsive animation on the home page built using Hype 3 pro. Flex was used also to balance the columns of the grid. JQuery was also used to animate the boxed image on the banner, which will shift position and size based on the size of the browser.

The lazyload javascript library was also included to load images as the user scrolls down.

As the site using quite a lot of hi-res imagery and JavaScript I used a caching plug-in to help off-set the page loads and now the site has has a good Google speed rating for both desktop and mobile.


Project Details

  • WordPress
  • Hype 3 Professional
  • Coda 2
  • Sublime Text 3
  • PUG(Jade)
  • Mamp Pro